Even California Democrats Prefer the Private Health Care System Over Medicare for All
Fifty-seven percent of the state’s likely Democratic primary voters favor incrementally changing the existing private health care system while 37 percent want to replace the private system with a single-payer Medicare for All system.
How Cities Often Overstate the Economic Impact of Events and Facilities
Visit Sarasota estimates the World Rowing Championship generated $22 million in economic impact, while the official body of the championships calculated an impact of $7 million.
Instead of Vaping Bans, States Should Incorporate E-Cigarettes Into Long-Term Public Health Strategies
Banning all e-cigarette flavors is likely to cause more harm than good to public health since it would deny adult smokers access to a safer alternative to cigarettes.
USPS Has $120 Billion in Pension and Other Post-Employment Unfunded Liabilities
From 2007 through the 2019 fiscal year, the USPS lost $77 billion and it hasn’t contributed to its retiree health care fund since 2012.
Michael Bloomberg’s E-Cigarette Ban Would Endanger Public Health
Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg announced his intention to ban the sale of all flavored e-cigarettes.
California’s Free Community College Plan Collides With Skyrocketing Retirement Obligations
According to a Reason Foundation analysis of 2018 audited financial reports, California community college districts face total non-current liabilities of $36 billion, an average of roughly $500 million per district.
Florida’s Anti-Toll Legislation Threatens the State’s Economy
Florida has $10 billion in planned toll projects in the pipeline. These projects are now in peril unless the state’s recent anti-toll policies are reversed.
The Wisconsin Retirement System Is Fully Funded and a Model for Other States
Wisconsin's fully-funded status can be attributed to a combination of plan design and pragmatism.
CDC Survey Shows Flavors Aren’t Driving Youth Vaping
The CDC finds only 22 percent of young people say they tried e-cigarettes because they “are available in flavors, such as mint, candy, fruit or chocolate.”
PAYGO Is the Most Costly Way to Fund a Public Retirement System and Would Be Bad for New Mexico
Pensions are meant to be prefunded so that current taxpayers and current public employees share the costs of those workers’ benefits.
The Criminal Justice Implications of Raising the Tobacco Age to 21
Do we really want to give 20-year-olds criminal records for vaping?
Market-Driven Water Pricing Could Help Solve Florida’s Water Problems
Privatization, improved water pricing, and innovative wastewater reuse technologies can help deal with rising demand and population growth.
Green Municipal Bond Raises Questions About Pension Fund Borrowing
The California State Teachers Retirement System's use of innovative financing is notable for its environmental aspects and its implications for pension finance.
Proposed PERA Reform an Important Step Toward Pension Solvency in New Mexico
New bill would address the Public Employees Retirement Association's systemic issues by improving funding policy and adopting a more sustainable benefit adjustment mechanism.
New York City’s Unfunded OPEB Liability Surpasses $100 Billion
The city’s unfunded other post-employment benefits liability exceeds that of any other local government in the country, as well as that of most states.
LAO Report: California’s Taxes and Rules Mean Legal Marijuana Can’t Compete With Black Market Prices
"Even if the state eliminated its cannabis taxes entirely, other costs— such as regulatory compliance costs and local taxes—likely would keep legal cannabis prices higher than illicit market prices.”
Michigan Tries to Force Marijuana Businesses to Reach Labor Peace Agreements
There is a long series of legal precedents demonstrating that Gov. Whitmer’s proposed rule is unconstitutional.
The Trump Administration’s Ban of Flavored Vaping Cartridges Is Bad for Public Health
While Trump's policy isn't the worst possible outcome it's still a terrible blow for public health.