Goodbye (and Good Riddance) to Kentucky’s Hedge Fund Investments
Kentucky Retirement System Wisely Divests from Hedge Funds
Public-Private Partnerships Have a Good and Under-Appreciated Infrastructure Track Record
How to increase infrastructure investment and produce better-justified projects that add real value to our economy.
A New Way to Jump-Start US Infrastructure Investment
Asset recycling and pension fund investment could play a key role.
Using PPPs to Improve Services in Sumter County, Florida
Interview with Sumter County, Florida County Administrator Bradley Arnold
Californias Death Penalty Process More Flawed and More Expensive Than Ever
One of the main problems with the death penalty in California isn’t that it’s not speedy enough, but rather there aren’t enough lawyers for inmates on death row.
Who Regulates the Regulators?
In the wake of the N.C. Dental ruling, courts define contours of antitrust immunity for market-participant-dominated regulatory boards
New Jersey Transit’s Biggest Issue is Poor Management and a Lack of Innovation
Improving management oversight and using innovation to improve transit should be top priorities for agency
How Student-Based Budgeting Can Help El Paso’s Schools
Clint Independent School District’s budgeting practices and the funding disparities between the district’s schools have become a key issue.
California Shouldn’t Create Constitutional Workarounds to Target Smokers With Tax Increases
Prop. 56, the latest tobacco tax attempt, is mostly a giveaway to special interests.
Cigarette Taxes and Spending Requirements for Anti-Tobacco Programs Don’t Belong In Colorado’s State Constitution
The policy problems with Colorado’s Amendment 72.