Scrutinizing NDPERS’ cost claims on House Bill 1040
Photo 101339076 © Glenn Nagel |


Scrutinizing NDPERS’ cost claims on House Bill 1040

NDPERS is choosing to adopt the costliest interpretation of HB 1040 and is cherry-picking the worst from a range of actuarial cost estimates to scare away proponents.

Today, the North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System (NDPERS):

  • Holds $1.8 billion in unfunded liabilities;
  • Is structurally underfunded by legislatively set contribution rates;
  • And is expected to become insolvent around the turn of the century even if all its actuarial assumptions are met (faster if they do not).

This backgrounder examines claims the North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System is making about North Dakota House Bill 1040.

Scrutinizing NDPERS’ cost claims on House Bill 1040

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