Shirley Ybarra
Shirley Ybarra is a former senior transportation policy analyst at Reason Foundation, a nonprofit think tank advancing free minds and free markets.
Overhauling U.S. Airport Security Screening
Responsibility for passenger and baggage screening should be devolved from TSA to individual airports
Virginia Shouldn’t Restrict Its Public-Private Transportation Act
Remarks at the Thomas Jefferson Institute Transportation Roundtable
Reason Foundation, Bipartisan Policy Center, Building America’s Future and Others Urge Congress to Give State and Local Governments More Transportation Flexibility
Fix the highway bill so state and local governments have flexibility to use pricing, private capital and other needed funding sources
Tunnel Project Needs to Move Ahead
Improvements are vital to mobility, port commerce and regional economy
Congress Passes Short-Term Transportation Bill
How Congress struggled with the billâ??s tolling provisions
Virginia’s High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Changed to ‘Express Lanes’
An in-depth look at the highway project
Comparison of the Essential Air Service Program to Alternative Coach Bus Service
Keeping small communities connected cost-effectively
Taxpayer-Friendly Solutions to America’s Transportation Challenges
Seven cost-effective transportation strategies
Privatization and Public-Private Partnership Trends in State Government
State Government Privatization Chapter of Annual Privatization Report 2010