Reason Foundation
Study Finds Preschool Programs Fail to Demonstrate Lasting, Positive Impact
Huge increase in preschool enrollment hasn't produced better test scores
Focus on Education
Vol. 30, No. 1 - May 2006
Eminent Domain Isn’t the Only Way Governments Hurt Homeowners
Land use regulations and restrictions often block owners from using their own land and send property values plummeting; New study shows how states can learn from landmark Oregon's Measure 37 to protect property rights
Focus on Budget Reform
Vol. 29, No. 8 - March 2006
California Universal Preschool Plan Would Cost $109,000 Per New Preschooler
Study also shows the states with long-running universal pre-K programs produce some of the nation's worst reading scores
Uncle Sam: Louisiana’s Next Real Estate Baron?
Federal land grab no solution to Louisiana's redevelopment needs