Voters’ guide to 2024 ballot initiatives related to same-sex marriage
ID 90498183 © Alexander Demyanenko |

Voters' Guide

Voters’ guide to 2024 ballot initiatives related to same-sex marriage

This November, voters in three states will decide whether or not to remove defunct restrictions on same-sex marriage from their state constitutions.

In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that same-sex sex couples have the legal right to marry.  This overturned many state-level restrictions on same-sex marriage but didn’t strike such language from state constitutions. This November, voters in three states will decide whether or not to remove defunct restrictions on same-sex marriage from their state constitutions. However, these ballot measures will not affect same-sex marriage rights either way. 

California Proposition 3: Right to Marry and Repeal Proposition 8 Amendment

Colorado Amendment J: Remove Constitutional Same-Sex Marriage Ban Amendment

Hawaii Remove Legislature Authority to Limit Marriage to Opposite-Sex Couples Amendment