Surface Transportation Innovations # 56
Topics include: new threat to HOT lanes; Georgia DOT's truck lanes study; risky start-up toll roads; $4 gasoline's impacts; what about "mode neutrality"?; greenhouse gases and urban sprawl; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 55
Topics include: electric cars-this time for real?; toll concessions-one size does not fit all; cost of crashes vs. costs of congestion; where can toll truckways be built?; pension fund investment in toll roads; new data on toll road safety; and other news
Surface Transportation Innovations # 54
Topics include: robust public support for tolling; HOT lanes for the U.K.; Pennsylvania Turnpike lease; gasoline prices and driver behavior; rethinking the federal surface transportation program; food and transportation; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 53
Topics include: the other national commission's interim report; the other shoe drops in Texas; strange truck lanes assessment in Georgia; busways as HOT lanes?; update on Indiana Toll Road; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 52
Topics include: what to make of the National Commission recommendations; New Jersey confuses taxing and tolling; Seattle area ready for road pricing?; what now for Dulles Rail?; CO2 and traffic congestion; Japan's amazing highway sound walls; and other ne
Surface Transportation Innovations # 51
Topics include: Oregon's mileage fee pilot program; undercutting future SoCal HOT lanes; the"foreign investment" controversy; new PPP coalition launched; Hutchison amendment threatens HOT lanes; technology responses to road pricing; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 50
Topics include: an economist's look at urban transportation policy; Miami toll truckway proposed to ease port traffic congestion; low-cost bus lines; 10th anniversary of Toronto's 407ETR; what if there were "green" cars?; last "6320" toll road going priva
Surface Transportation Innovations # 49
Topics include: broader support for PPPs; universal farecards for transit; market pricing of parking; toll truckways and LCVs; reducing congestion in Seattle; follow-up on eliminating toll booths; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 48
Topics include: getting rid of toll booths; transit system report shows progress, limits; stopping sprawl to "save the planet;" federal grant for a toll bridge?; cost-effective four-laning; new congestion measures in Atlanta; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 47
Topics include: FTA embraces HOT/BRT lanes; Indiana Toll Road one year later; thinking through long-term PPPs; cars vs. transit for the job-seeking poor; greenhouse policy run amok; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 46
Topics include: impact of Minnesota bridge collapse; underestimating the role for tolls and PPPs; National Infrastructure Bank: a bad idea; time for California to switch to HOT lanes; cars vs. transit: packets vs. circuits; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations #45
Topics include: freight rail as congestion-reliever?; more information on bus vs. rail transit; congestion and economic health; new Reason policy papers; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 44
Topics include: Bus Rapid Transit on inexpensive guideways; fragmentation of our highway system?; continuing battles over ports access; pension funds and transportation investment; ethanol and ozone; incentives work to repair California bridge; and other
Surface Transportation Innovations # 43
Topics include: the basics of toll road concession deals; financing new roads vs. pay-as-you-go; guaranteed congestion relief?; rethinking Oregon transportation policy; rethinking CAFÃ?Æ?�
Surface Transportation Innovations # 42
Topics include: facts vs. fictions on toll road concessions; carpool lane follies in California; port emissions and congestion; fresh perspective on urban sprawl; CO2 and cars; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 41
Topics include: studies conclude HOT lanes best bet; rail versus truck: Amtrak as obstacle; what if a toll road concessionaire goes belly-up?; toll roads and land values; transportation innumeracy and its consequences; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 40
Topics include: a new solution for HOV occupancy enforcement; edgeless cities; arterial underpasses; intermittent bus lanes in Lisbon; more on the trucks-tolls debate; and other news.
Surface Transportation Innovations # 39
Topics include: new evidence questioning "induced demand;" concessions advancing, along with the backlash; Bus Rapid Transit in Latin America; learning about Europe's tunnels; resisting transportation earmarks; and other news.