Pension Reform Newsletter – January 2017
Taxpayer impacts of CalPERS lowers assumed return, new report on Omaha, Lincoln pension challenges, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – December 2016
CalPERS lowers assumed return, Dallas' ongoing pension crisis, 2016 pension litigation review, risk in public pension investments, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – November 2016
Reducing CalPERS' assumed rate of return, baby boomers and the "new normal," Kentucky hedge fund investment, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – October 2016
Debate over public pension actuarial practices, pension obligation bond risks, teacher pensions, Dallas/Houston pension updates, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – September 2016
Michigan pension reform, California court ruling, net amortization, bad pension investment returns, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – August 2016
Pension divestment, the "new normal," accounting rules and U.S. public pension risk-taking, pension investment in infrastructure and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – July 2016
Update on the Funding of State and Local Pensions, Overview of Major Pension Reforms, Common Pension Funding Practices Raise the Risks of Severe Underfunding, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – June 2016
Arizona Voters Overwhelmingly Approve Public Safety Pension Reform, Exceptional Investment Returns Likely to End, New GASB Disclosures Allow More Accurate Revaluation of Pension Debt, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – March 2016
Arizona Enacts Groundbreaking Public Safety Pension Reform, Did Pension Reform Improve the Sustainability of Pension Plans?, Illinois Supreme Court Strikes Down Pension Law, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – February 2016
How Will GASB 68 Affect Cities' Reported Funded Status?, An Examination of Connecticut State Employees Retirement System, Milliman Annual Study on Public Pension Funding, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – November 2015
How Much Do Schools Really Pay?, Public vs Private Sector Compensation in Connecticut, DB vs. DC Plans at Achieving Successful Retirement, Houston Pension Crisis, Pension Investments in Hedge Funds, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – September 2015
Best Practices of Setting Discount Rates, Politics of Pension Reform, Shift to DC Has Not Let to Lower Saving, Fees & Investment Returns, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – July & August 2015
Cost-Effectiveness of DC plans vs. DB plans, Paying Down Unfunded Liabilities Through Asset Sales & Leases, Pension Bonds Encourage Underfunding, Pew Report on State Pension Debt, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – June 2015
New California Pension Initiative, How Will State Courts Rule on Pension Reforms?, Should Public Workers Get Special Treatment?, Public Pension Plans: A False Recovery, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – May 2015
Illinoisâ?? Pension Reforms Struck Down by Court, San Bernardino Bankruptcy: Bondholders Lose against CalPERS, Comprehensive Public Plans Database, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – April 2015
Governance & Decision-Making in Underfunding of Public Sector Pension Plans, Testimony on Nevada Assembly Bill 190, GASB Changes, and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – March 2015
California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013, 2015 Pension Summit, Pension Reform in Tequesta and more
Pension Reform Newsletter – February 2015
Pension Poll, What Causes Policymakers to Underfund Pensions, Sign of Reform for Military Pension, A Tale of Two Pensions and more