An American Beer Revolution
Reason.tv video on the surge in craft beers
Think Tank Proposes $5.7 Billion Congestion-Relief Plan for Lee County, Florida
Congestion-priced lanes on I-75 and tolled "queue jumps" on major arterials are key ingredients
Housing Bust, Stimulus Packages Are Making the U.S. Resemble Japan in the 1990s
Government's response to current recession looks a lot like Japan's Lost Decade
What Caused the Budget Mess? California’s Spending Has Nearly Tripled Since 1990
Don't blame tax revenues for the deficit, they increased 167 percent
Reason Foundation Praises President Obama’s Transparency Memorandum
Obama was one of a handful of presidential candidates to sign Oath of Transparency
KRM Commuter Rail Plan’s Supposed Economic Benefits Aren’t Credible; System Would Require Massive Subsidies
Reason Foundation report outlines several better transit options for region
Mobility First: A New Vision for Transportation
New book details path to 21st century transportation network
Nanny State Extends Smoking Bans to Private Homes
Reason.tv video shows how prohibition is expanded and looks at the next round of bans
Past, Present Freedom Communications Executives to Receive Reason Foundation’s “Flame of Freedom” Award
R. David and Judith Threshie and Richard A. and Patricia Wallace honored for commitment to individual liberty, free markets, and the rule of law
Universal Preschool Isn’t the Silver Bullet
Reason.tv video examines the arguments for and against universal pre-K
Examining California’s Ballot Initiatives During this Economic Crisis
Taxpayers should think twice before adding to state's massive pile of debt; gay couples deserve equal rights; state needs sentencing reform
Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, Gov. Rick Perry Praised as “Innovators in Action”
Reason Foundation publication features trendsetters who are reforming government
Study: California’s High-Speed Rail System Will Cost Tens of Billions More Than Estimated, Adding to State Deficit
Report details why high-speed rail won't meet ridership predictions, deliver on promised travel times, or meet emission reduction targets
Can You Navigate the Immigration Maze to U.S. Citizenship?
Chart shows how complicated becoming an American is for even the most skilled workers
Silly Senator, Corn Is for Food
New Reason.tv video examines the financial and environmental costs of ethanol
Ethanol Subsidies Cost Taxpayers $8 Billion This Year
New Reason.tv video examines the financial and environmental costs of ethanol
Federal Competitive Sourcing Saved Taxpayers $7.2 Billion Over the Last Five Years
Reason Foundation's Annual Privatization Report says public-private partnership infrastructure projects in various stages of development are worth $104 billion
Annual Study Ranks States on Highway Performance, Overall Cost-Effectiveness
Urban interstate highways in 35 states reach 40 percent congested and 24 percent of US bridges are deficient or functionally obsolete