Reason Speakeasy: Yascha Mounk

The Reason Speakeasy is a monthly, unscripted conversation with outspoken defenders of free thinking and heterodoxy. It doubles as a live taping of The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie podcast and always provides a great evening of camaraderie and conversation … Continued


Reason Speakeasy: Alexandra Hudson

The Reason Speakeasy is a monthly, unscripted conversation with outspoken defenders of free thinking and heterodoxy. It doubles as a live taping of The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie podcast and always provides a great evening of camaraderie and conversation … Continued

Welcome To the Psychedelic Renaissance, Film Screening

“Welcome to the psychedelic ‘20s!” says Rick Doblin, the founder and head of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelics Studies (MAPS), a nonprofit that has been pushing for FDA approval of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD and other indications for almost 40 … Continued

Anticipating the Future with Virginia Postrel and James Pethokoukis

Reason DC 1630 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

When you were a kid, did you think The Jetsons was the future? The popular cartoon, which predicted interactive television (Zoom calls!), robot maids (Roombas, which don’t approach Rosie’s room-cleaning skills), and flying cars (still way in the future!) was … Continued

SOHO Forum Debate: Between now and 2035, electric vehicles in the consumer market will disappoint environmentalists by remaining a product bought mainly by the well-heeled minority.

The Sheen Center 18 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012, New York, New York, United States

Resolution Between now and 2035, electric vehicles in the consumer market will disappoint environmentalists by remaining a product bought mainly by the well-heeled minority. The Sheen Center 18 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012Doors open at 6:00 PMMeeting convenes: 6:30 … Continued

Reason Speakeasy: Greg Lukianoff and Rikki Schlott

The Reason Speakeasy is a monthly, unscripted conversation with outspoken defenders of free thinking and heterodoxy. It doubles as a live taping of The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie podcast. The guests this time are Greg Lukianoff, president of the … Continued

SOHO Forum Debate: Artificial intelligence poses a threat to the survival of humanity that must be actively addressed by government.

The Sheen Center 18 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012, New York, New York, United States

Resolution Artificial intelligence poses a threat to the survival of humanity that must be actively addressed by government. The Sheen Center 18 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012Doors open at 6:00 PMMeeting convenes: 6:30 PMReception: 8:00 PMModerated by Soho Forum … Continued

Bitcoin, Bathhouses, and the Future of Energy

185 East Broadway New York, NY 10002 185 East Broadway, New York, New York

Critics of bitcoin say it’s a massive waste of energy, with The New York Times earlier this year accusing bitcoin miners of causing “immense pollution.” But what if this growing industry is actually the key to making clean energy profitable? … Continued

Reason Speakeasy: Jennifer Burns

The Blue Building 222 East 46th Street, new york, new york

On Tuesday, December 12, the Reason Speakeasy will feature Stanford University historian Jennifer Burns about The Last Conservative, her definitive, highly praised biography of Milton Friedman, who was arguably not just the most influential free-market economist of the 20th century … Continued

The SOHO Forum: The making of national internet policy was hindered, rather than helped, by the July 4th federal court ruling that restricted the Biden administration’s communications with social media platforms.

The Sheen Center 18 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012, New York, New York, United States

Resolution The making of national internet policy was hindered, rather than helped, by the July 4th federal court ruling that restricted the Biden administration's communications with social media platforms. The Sheen Center 18 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012Doors open … Continued