California’s Highways Improve, But Problems Remain
The state needs to prioritize the maintenance and repairs it has been putting off for far too long.
How Flexible Is the California Rule? A Tale of Four Cases
California appellate court upholds statute limiting pension spiking, but it may be reversed on appeal
California Rules Drive Away Self Driving Cars
autonomous vehicles could drastically change transportation but only if manufacturers are given room to innovate
The Only “Streak” That Matters is How Often Pension Investment Returns Exceed Expectations
Pension administartors in Florida, California, and others are taking a strange tone with respect to their investment returns this year
Ranking of State Finances Offers Insight on Public Pension Debt
According to the data from the study, the average unfunded liability/state personal income ratio under market valuation is 30 percent, more than four times higher than the 7 percent ratio calculated under the GASB standards.