Seattle’s Soda Tax Experiment Is Doomed to Fail
Seattle's press is abuzz with stories of sticker shock after residents headed to the grocery stores Jan. 1 and found the price of soda had skyrocketed thanks to the city's tax on sweetened beverages.
Illinois Privatizes Lottery Management, Again
Camelot replaces Northstar Lottery Group as private manager of the state lottery.
The Tax Cuts Benefit Most of Us Now, But Harm Future Generations
At some point, the cumulative impact of all this deficit spending will trigger an economic crisis.
New Study Suggests Teachers Unions Reduce Students’ Earning and Job Prospects
Male students who grew up under 12 years of schooling in states requiring collective bargaining with teachers unions earned nearly $1,500 less per year.
Michigan Enacts Nation-Leading Pension, Retiree Health Care Funding and Transparency Standards for Local Governments
This is a model other states should consider adopting to better manage the threat of pension and retiree health care insolvency at the local level.
National Park System Has a Maintenance Backlog of Over $11 Billion and Needs a New Approach
A financially sustainable public-private partnership model can ensure that the beauty and splendor of state and national parks can continue to be appreciated for another 100 years and more.
California’s School Districts Are Spending More and More on Retirees
Pension contributions are continuing to rise and will eat up money that should go toward educating students.
How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Impacts Pension Funds
Examining what the tax cuts bill means for public sector retirement systems over the short- and long-term.
As Major Cities Try to Combat Traffic Congestion, Texas State Legislature Limits Their Options
The Texas state legislature enacted new laws aimed at curtailing the use of tolling and public-private partnerships.
Oregon Privatization Report Offers Bold Solutions to Pension Crisis
Task force report lays the groundwork for a number of privatization measures that would benefit the state's economy.
Contracting for Out-of-State Prison Beds: Vermont’s Experience with Public vs. Private Provision
Inmate access, transparency challenges in intergovernmental agreement for Vermont prison beds
Are Pension Trusts the Answer to California Local Government Pension Problems
As California local governments face skyrocketing pension costs, some are looking at Section 115 Trusts as a way to pay down unfunded liabilities.