
Arizona Starts to Tackle Job Licensing Laws

Reason’s Foundation’s Adam Summers details job licensing regulations in Arizona, writing, “In Arizona, if you want to be an acupuncturist, a hunting or fishing guide, landscape architect, pre-arranged funeral salesperson, or even a well driller you’ll need a license. There is even government registration required to be a geologist…More and more often, if you want to work or start a business, you have to seek permission from the government, pass arbitrary requirements, and pay fees to the state. More than 1,000 occupations are currently regulated by the states, and many others are regulated at the federal and municipal levels. According to a recent Reason Foundation study, Arizona requires licenses for 72 jobs, below the national average of 92 and similar to neighboring Colorado (69) and Utah (84). California topped the list with a whopping 177 licensed occupations.”