Robert Poole is Director of Transportation Policy and Searle Freedom Trust Transportation Fellow at Reason Foundation.
Surface Transportation Innovations #12
Topics include: transit's actual effect on congestion, Deloitte's new report on road pricing, new data on sprawl and commuting, best toll truckway corridors, and other breaking news stories.
Air Traffic Control Reform Newsletter #16
Topics include: duplicity in the ATC privatization battle, soaring controller costs, evaluating flight changes with software, and separating ATC operations from safety regulations.
Airport Policy and Security Newsletter #6
Topics include: cockpit doors, a private-sector trusted traveler proposal, and rethinking defense against terrorism.
Air Traffic Debate About Safety and Efficiency
Pilots work for private companies, why not controllers?
Surface Transportation Innovations #11
Topics include: the potential of FAST lanes, Texas' congestion reduction plans, TRB committee on future of fuel taxes, ULEVs in HOT lanes, and other features.
Airport Policy and Security Newsletter #5
Topics include: the registered traveler pilot program, cargo plane doors, and baggage theft.
A Win-Win for Our Freeways
Transform carpool lanes to variable-priced toll lanes
Shore Up Existing Security
Equipping all planes with anti-missile devices isn't best strategy
Air Traffic Improvements to Ensure Friendly Skies
How to bring air traffic system into the 21st century
Air Traffic Control Reform Newsletter #15
Topics include: controllers' union pushes too hard for ATC privatization ban, flight service station reform, data link decision a setback for modernization, and good news from the Canadian and UK ATC corporations.
Airport Policy and Security Newsletter #4
Topics include: the closing the belly-cargo loophole, inadequate explosive detection systems, and the LAX master plan.
Surface Transportation Innovations #10
Topics include: replacing the gas tax, megaproject megaflops, highways and growth, and making new tolls permanent.
Air Traffic Controllers’ Union, Bush at Odds
Battle over "inherently governmental"
Surface Transportation Innovations #9
Topics include: the social welfare impact of HOT lanes, the emerging consensus for priced lanes in reauthorization, Battelle on innovative contracting, and a new approach for toll-road financing.
Air Traffic Control Reform Newsletter #14
Topics include: anti-outsourcing provisions in the FAA reauthorization bill; Sen. Lautenberg's untruths on overseas ATC corporations; and understanding the Administration's strong stance against anti-privatization amendments.
Toll Lane Fix for 101 Freeway
Elevated lanes the answer
Air Traffic Control Reform Newsletter #13
Topics include: House committee blocks ATC reform; a "dream" Aviation Subcommittee hearing on ATC reform; former FAA Admin. Langhorne Bond's case for arms-length ATC safety regulation; and the military and contract towers.
Airport Policy and Security Newsletter #3
Topics include: new report calling for trusted traveler system and offering alternative to CAPPS II.