Julian Morris is a senior fellow at Reason Foundation.
The World’s Population Reaches 7 Billion, But Don’t Let the UN Scare You
UN is wrong on food shortages and climate change
Weathering Global Warming in Agriculture
Population growth, world food supplies and minimizing climate change's impact on crops
Fulfilling The President’s Green Dreams Through Private Competition
Instead of handing out loans to companies like Solyndra, the government should offer prizes for actual results
The EPA Is Overreaching Again
New boiler regulations could cost economy more than $10 billion
The Decline in Deaths from Extreme Weather, 1900
Aggregate mortality attributed to all extreme weather events globally has declined by 98% since the 1920s
The Role of Market Institutions in Enabling Adaptation to Climate Change
Best solutions enable people to prosper and avail themselves of all the adaptive measures that the wealthy can afford
Buying Green
Consumers, Product Labels and the Environment