Voters’ guide to 2024 ballot initiatives related to education
ID 1550649 © Karin Hildebrand Lau |

Voters' Guide

Voters’ guide to 2024 ballot initiatives related to education

California, Kentucky, and Nevada voters will vote on important education initiatives this year, including school choice and bonds to fund new schools.

Reason Foundation has a long history of research on education policy, including school funding, universal preschool, and school choice. You can see our work on these issues here

California, Kentucky, and Nevada voters will vote on important education initiatives this year, including school choice and bonds to fund new schools.

California Proposition 2: Public Education Facilities Bond Measure

Florida Amendment 1: Partisan Elections for Members of District School Boards

Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 2: Allow State Funding for Non-Public Education Amendment

Nevada Question 1: Remove Constitutional Status of Board of Regents Amendment