Student-Based Budgeting Newsletter, August 2016
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Student-Based Budgeting Newsletter

Student-Based Budgeting Newsletter, August 2016

“Education finance is one of the big civil rights issues of our time."

Notable Quotable:

“Education finance is one of the big civil rights issues of our time. We need to make sure our kids get the resources they need to learn.”- Jess Gartner, CEO of Allovue

Student Based Budgeting in the News:

Future of Education Finance Summit
The recent summit in Baltimore brought together a cross-section of experts and featured presentations on a range of topics including funding allocation, federal policy and the role of technology in education finance.

Clark County Looks to Adopt Student-Based Budgeting
The nation’s fifth largest district passed a proposal that would give school leaders greater autonomy over budgeting, purchasing and hiring.

Indianapolis Public Schools Preparing for Student-Based Budgeting
The district’s pilot program will improve transparency and could eventually have statewide implications in how schools are funded.

Student Based Budgeting 101:

Student-Based Budgeting Handbook
Reason Foundation’s step-by-step guide to implementing student-based budgeting including key challenges for district leaders to consider.

Best Practices Spotlight:

Future of Education Finance Summit Materials
Presentation materials from numerous thought leaders including Marguerite Roza, Rebecca Sibilia and Lisa Keegan are now available to download!

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