
Unemployment Numbers Spark Debate on Economy

By now, most people following the economy know that the national unemployment rate dipped from 10.2 percent in October to 10.0 percent in November according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That dip has started quite a discussion over what it means.

My colleague Anthony Randazzo does a nice job of quickly summarizing the main points for keeping this number in context. I also weigh in with the National Review on their blog “The Corner.”

The National Journal‘s daily briefing on political issues of the day, The Hotline, has useful thumbnail summaries of the views of various economists and bloggers on this news and the jobs summit on today’s Blogometer. (The NJ graciously quoted my National Review comment, just above a quote from conservative blogger Michelle Malkin. Hmm, that’s probably as close as I will ever get, literally or politically, to Michelle Malkin.)