
Taxpayers Want Caps and a Voice

A survey by the National Taxpayers Union in Virginia found that taxpayers wanted spending limits, slower growth of government, and a chance to vote on tax increases. Here are some results: –By a 76.4 percent-18.7 percent margin, respondents supported “the right to vote directly on most tax increase proposals by the Virginia State Legislature” (the remainder of those polled said they were undecided or didn’t answer). –On the question of “How fast should Virginia government spending grow relative to the growth of family incomes?”, 27.9 percent answered “slower,” 44.3 percent answered “about the same,” while just 20.4 percent answered “faster” (the remainder refused or didn’t answer). –When asked which of two policy options would be best if “Virginia faces a budget shortfall this year,” 59.5 percent of those surveyed chose “spend the same amount as last year” and just 31.9 percent chose “raise taxes” (the remainder volunteered another answer or none at all). –Respondents were also asked to evaluate a state Constitutional Amendment that “limits increases in state government spending to no more than the rate of inflation and population growth. Larger increases in spending would require a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly and agreement of the Governor.” When presented with these facts, 61.9 percent favored the Amendment, 25.7 percent opposed it, while 10.6 percent were undecided (the remainder didn’t answer).