Our congratulations to Reason�??s Len Gilroy for being appointed as one of the members of the Arizona Governor’s Commission on Privatization and Efficiency (COPE).
Governor Jan Brewer is approaching the fiscal crisis in her state similar to Louisiana, Virginia and New Jersey, trying to find ways to �??right size�?� government.
�??Arizona citizens deserve the best and most effective government in return for their hard-earned tax dollars,�?� said Governor Brewer. �??COPE was created to identify state services and agencies whose functions can be eliminated, consolidated, streamlined or outsourced to achieve greater operational efficiency in meeting the needs of our citizens.�?�
�??Systemic reform is necessary to reduce the cost of government to a level that can be economically sustained by the people of Arizona,�?� said Mark Brnovich, COPE Chairman and Director of the Department of Gaming. �??Pursuing privatization of certain services may provide the best opportunity for their continued existence.�?�
As part of the process, the commission will solicit ideas from the private sector, policy experts, and citizens. An open hearing has been scheduled at the Department of Administration (100 N. 15th Avenue, 3rd Floor Conference Room) on June 14th from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. to allow the public to provide input directly to COPE. Ideas for enhancing the efficiency of Arizona�??s government can also be submitted through the committee�??s website at www.azcope.gov.
Len as been advising states, governors and legislatures for years. You can see all about him here.
With Len Gilroy, Reason�??s Director of Government Reform, as member of the Commission, we are confident that all of the creative ideas will be on the table.