Use of Lethal Force Increasing Among California Cops Despite Drop in Violent Crime
The use of deadly force should be a last resort, not a first instinct
The Endangered Species Act Set to Harm Another Imperiled Species
Punitive and expensive regulations deter conservation efforts
Fixing Highway Spending Incentives
We do need more investment in AmericaĆ¢??s highway system. But simply pumping more dollars into a flawed system will not generate the greatest bang for the buck.
Parents Increasingly Overprotective Despite Falling Crime Rates
We may end up hurting the children weĆ¢??re trying to help
The Hidden Costs of Wind Power in California
Wind generation developers, not consumers, should foot the bill
Arizona Prison Cost Claims are Questionable
Letter to the Editor Submitted to the Arizona Republic
State Highway Financing Models: Availability Payments v. Revenue-Risk
For projects with serious toll potential, states should invest more money upfront to shift underlying revenue risks from taxpayers to private partners
Report Finds Slow Recovery, Fiscal Headwinds for Cities
Despite tenuous recovery, pensions, healthcare, and infrastructure needs pose lingering fiscal challenges