
Montana Contracts with Firm to Provide e-Permitting Services

The State of Montana has contracted with Web-based and mobile software applications firm Accela, Inc. to provide a state-of-the-art, “one-stop shop” online portal for building planning, permitting, inspection, and compliance activities. The software will be implemented by the Building Codes Bureau (BCB) within the state’s Department of Labor & Industry. It is designed to standardize the e-permitting experience and improve the efficiency of the permitting system for customers seeking permits online, as well as for the BCB’s office and field teams which manage permit applications and inspections.

According to an Accela press release,

With the Accela-based system, Montana’s BCB will automate the services it provides the building industry — such as construction plan review; permit application and approval; inspection scheduling; tracking and reporting; and professional licensing — and offer users a single “shopping cart” for their state building permits. Over the longer term, the system is intended to serve as a central e-permits platform for dozens of city and county jurisdictions across the state.

“To maintain a competitive economic edge, states today must think strategically about improving their operations and supporting their local governments,” said Maury Blackman, CEO and President of Accela. “The BCB’s phased, visionary approach underscores its commitment to ensure that Montana remains a great place to live and work for decades to come.”

The new portal is expected to launch in the summer of 2010.

As budgetary conditions continue to cause strains on public coffers for the foreseeable future, it is more important than ever that governments at all levels look to the private sector for innovative solutions to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and improve service quality.