
Maine TABOR Measure Set for November Ballot

Petitioners in Maine have gathered enough signatures to put a Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) on the November ballot:

Supporters of a citizen petition known as the Taxpayer Bill of Rights learned today that the Office of Secretary of State has verified enough signatures of registered Maine voters (50,519) to put the measure before the voters in November. Petition organizer Mary Adams of Garland said “This is great news for the people of Maine because they can now vote in November to create a friend called the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights puts money in taxpayersÃ? pockets each year and gives them control over all future tax and fee increases.” Adams, who led the petition drive which successfully repealed the state property tax in l977, stated “There is nothing to fear and everything to look forward to under a Taxpayer Bill of Rights. No jobs will be lost or programs cut, because this spending limit allows government to grow at a reasonable rate of inflation plus population growth.” She pointed out that government at all levels can exceed the limit only if voters approve. Most of the money collected beyond the limit (80%) goes back to the taxpayers in some form of tax relief each year. The remaining portion (20%) is retained annually in a savings account to smooth out inevitable economic downturns. “At last, government will have to live on a budget like the rest of us.”

Maine’s not alone…the South Carolina Senate is currently considering a TABOR. Be sure to check out our TABOR update from last year’s Annual Privatization Report for more info.