Those “How’s my driving?” bumper stickers on commercial trucks and vans couldn’t possibly do more than make drivers feel like dopes, right? According to Lior Strahilevitz they might actually make roads safer:
Although more rigorous study is warranted, the initial data is quite promising, suggesting that the use of “How’s My Driving?” placards in commercial trucks is associated with fleet accident reductions ranging from 20% to 53%.
Strahilevitz suggests fittin all cars with the placards. Feedback algorithms, like those used by eBay and other online operations, could help keep malicious intentions in check:
By delegating traffic regulation to the motorists themselves, the state might free up substantial law enforcement resources, police more effectively dangerous and annoying forms of driver misconduct that are rarely punished, reduce information asymmetries in the insurance market, improve the tort system, and alleviate road rage and driver frustration by providing drivers with opportunities to engage in measured expressions of displeasure.
Abstract here.