
Europe Dizzy Over Kyoto

Tech Central Station’s Craig Winneker comments on Europe’s reaction to the official birth of the Kyoto Protocol in the aptly titled, “Kyotophilia“:

Several deep, cleansing breaths have been necessary in the face of what can only be described as the religious fervor that greeted the coming of Kyoto in Europe’s bureaucratic and political circles. It was practically a new EU holiday. Vigils were held, ribbon-cuttings performed, commemorative paraphernalia distributed, hosannas sung. The only thing missing was some sort of lofty anthem. All this is strange, given that even Kyoto’s most fervent apostles admit, when forced, that it will do little if anything to reverse global warming trends and will, instead, have a chilling effect on Europe’s already frigid economy. But you wouldn’t know that from the public reaction — especially in the press — to what quickly became known as “Kyoto Day.”