Debunking Harvard’s Attack on Homeschooling
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Debunking Harvard’s Attack on Homeschooling

What Harvard gets wrong about homeschooling.

In this new episode of the #RandomAssignment, ChoiceMedia’s Bob Bowdon and I discuss how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting all areas of education. We examine and challenge Harvard Magazine’s “Risks of Homeschooling” feature, which is full of anti-homeschooling propaganda, and discuss Harvard Law School’s upcoming anti-homeschooling conference.

We also discuss the views of conference organizers, including law professor Jim Dwyer, who claims “the reason parent-child relationships exist is because the State confers legal parenthood,” and Harvard’s Elizabeth Bartholet, who calls for “a presumptive ban” on homeschooling.

We also share our thoughts on Drag Queen Story Hour, school choice, participation trophies, and more.