A new service called Meetro, helps turn virtual relationships into good, old fashioned regular friendships:
When you sign on and report your location, Meetro’s Windows-only software displays the names and photos of users within a certain geographic radius of your address. You can then check out what music and books someone likes, according to their profile, and instantly start chatting, or invite them to join you for coffee a couple blocks away. Dating and making business contacts are the most obvious uses of Meetro, according to Meetroduction CEO Paul Bragiel. But he hopes the service will smooth the process of making new friends. “Ten years ago, the idea of dating people you met off your computer was ridiculous, but now it’s commonplace,” Bragiel said. “Ours is the next bump. People right now are meeting over computers and plan to meet each other. Meetro is dynamic, so if someone shows up in your local area, you can meet up in 10 minutes because they are less than a quarter-mile away.”
Article here.