Julian Morris is a senior fellow at Reason Foundation.
A primer on carbon taxes
Examining claims that replacing existing regulations, subsidies, and tax expenditures with a carbon tax would more cost-effectively achieve emissions-reductions goals.
Evidence-based policies to slow climate change
Top-down policy approaches to control emissions may not be as effective as bottom-up approaches that harness the natural tendency of entrepreneurs and innovators.
The FDA has decimated the e-cigarette market
The FDA has not authorized a single e-cigarette for sale and denied more than a million vape products from the market.
Comments on the proposed pesticide experimental use permit for Oxitec
The EPA should move forward as quickly as possible in approving Oxitec’s request for an experimental use permit to undertake additional field trials in Florida and California.
Would a Green Fiscal Stimulus Help the Environment and the Economy?
This policy brief considers the main “green recovery” proposals and evaluates whether they would achieve their stated objectives.
Monitor-Test-Trace-Isolate: Policies for Understanding and Reacting to COVID-19 Infections
Part five of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. Technologies that enable contact tracing and sharing of verified COVID-19 status while preserving privacy and autonomy.
The COVID-19 Status App: A Risk-Based Tool to Enable Businesses to Reopen While Limiting the Spread of Sars-Cov-2
Part four of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of these tools is to enhance trust and improve information sharing.
Risk-Based Tools to Limit the Spread of Coronavirus: Information on Activity Risks and Industry Standards
Part three of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The decisions to implement these actions must be voluntary.
Preventing, Containing and Mitigating COVID-19: Lessons From Around the World
Part two of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. Success almost everywhere started with the use of extensive strategic testing.
COVID-19 Lockdown Problems and Alternative Strategies to Safely Reopening the Economy
Part one of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. More data-driven approaches based on test and trace are desirable.
Strategies for Combating and Recovering From the Coronavirus Pandemic
We identified approaches addressed in a series of policy briefs that, if taken together, form a coherent and effective strategy to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Cities and States Need to Better Share Testing, Tracing, and Coronavirus Risk Information With Public
Sharing more comprehensive information on testing and areas with positive tests would help make citizens confident they can safely resume activities while continuing to take appropriate actions to manage risks.
Working Paper: An Evidence-Based Approach to Fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic
"A realistic plan for unlocking society must be found. Urgently. This brief seeks to offer elements of what such a plan might look like, based on evidence from actions taken in many jurisdictions."
The Economic Consequences of Fuel Economy Standards
This is the fourth in a series of briefs explaining and evaluating Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) and zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) standards.
Reason Foundation Comment: Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act. CEQ–2019–0003 (85 FR 1684)
The proposed reforms will likely help streamline the NEPA process and result in fewer preliminary injunctions being issued by courts.
Does Legalizing Marijuana Reduce Crime?
In states that have legalized marijuana for either medical or recreational use, any adverse effects of such increased demand are more than offset by reductions in crime associated with legalization.
How Burdensome Regulation Obstructs Hunger Relief
This brief offers recommendations to help solve hunger by reforming current regulatory regimes that block the diffusion of beneficial technologies.
The Gateway Effect of Marijuana
Given the weak evidence for a causal relationship between youth marijuana use and subsequent use of other drugs, policymakers should not be overly concerned about the brain chemistry gateway effect.