
Global Warming

This is a classic from the Drudge Report: GORE TO DECRY ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ ON NEW YORK CITY’S COLDEST DAY IN DECADE In what political watchers are calling possibly the biggest gaffe in years, former Vice President Al Gore is set to give a speech tomorrow on the perils of global warming — on what is expected to be the coldest day in New England in nearly half a century! Against the advice of senior advisers, Gore is planning to appear at the historic Beacon Theatre in Manhattan on Thursday to issue an indictment of the Bush administration’s “inaction on global warming.” Gore will make the warming case on a day forecasters are predicting the coldest temps in Boston since 1957, with wind chills in parts of New England plunging to 100 degrees below zero! Even though forecasters predict Thursday night will bring the coldest temperature reading in New York City in more than 10 years [1 degree above zero], sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT that Gore is determined to deliver the speech — hoping to make the case how “Global warming” is actually the cause of the record cold snap! “The extreme conditions are actually the end result of the planet warming,” Gore has told advisers, sources say, in explaining his motivations. “The Bush policies are leading to weather extremes.” Sources would not say whether the speech is to be given outdoors.