Shikha Dalmia was a senior analyst at Reason Foundation, a nonprofit think tank advancing free minds and free markets.
Immigration Policy: An Argument for Opening America’s Borders
The empirical and economic benefits of open borders
Detroit Needs a Regime Change
The Motor City must be liberated from its moribund government if it is going to survive.
Keeping Newt Undercover
America doesn't need Dr. Strangelove dealing with Iran's mad mullahs
Alabama’s War on Immigrants
The state's harsh immigration law will only worsen its economic woes.
Liberal Programs Deserve Blame for Income Inequality
The Congressional Budget Office documents income gains for everyone, not just the wealthy.
Don’t Mind the Gap
What matters is income mobility, not income inequality.
Rick Perry Makes a Good Plan Sound Bad
The Texas governor's energy pitch strikes all the wrong notes.
Soak the Rich or Soak the Super Rich?
Harry Reid's "millionaire' surcharge" is a new move in the old Democratic game of class warfare.
Why Smart Presidents Do Stupid Things
The GOP's growing anti-intellectualism is a response to intellectuals run amuck.
Unions: The Cause of Michigan’s Malaise
The Great Lakes state's burgeoning right-to-work movement is a backlash against aggressive union demands.
India’s Mangled School Reforms
The countryâ??s new voucher provisions wonâ??t increase choice.
America the Exceptional?
The 9/11 attacks did not kill liberty in America.
Michele Bachmann’s Unholy Crusade
The GOP presidential hopeful bashes unauthorized workers.
Rick Perry: Economic Wizard?
The truth about job creation and government spending in the Lone Star state
The Bankrupt Agenda of the Save Our Schools Movement
True progressives would embrace school choice, not teachers' unions.
Fiscal Hawks vs. Defense Hawks
The potential defense cuts in the debt deal spell the beginning of the end of the neoconservative military agenda
Obama’s Top Four Power Grabs
The president stretches executive power to expand the warfare state and the regulatory state.
The Coming Autopocalypse
The Obama administration's proposed CAFE rules declare a war on cars