
Contracts for Canada

President Bush told new Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin that his nation would be eligible for a second round of US-financed reconstruction contracts in Iraq. From the LA Times: The United States had angered many allies last month by banning firms in countries that had opposed the Iraq war from bidding on Iraqi reconstruction projects. French, German and Russian leaders had protested to Bush, and Canada threatened to stop sending aid to Baghdad. Martin, eager to patch up the cross-border relationship, said he was pleased by the new U.S. stance toward Canada, and the lucrative contracts that could come Canada’s way. “It does show that working together, we can arrive at a reasonable solution,” Martin told reporters after the breakfast. Bush did not say whether other countries would be affected by the policy shift. A French Embassy spokeswoman said French Defense minister Michelle Alliot-Marie will meet with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice on Thursday in Washington.