Geoffrey Segal
Geoffrey Segal is the director of privatization and government reform at Reason Foundation, a nonprofit think tank advancing free minds and free markets. He is also editor of Reason's Privatization Watch.
Comparing the Performance of Private and Public Prisons
If you can't win, change the rules
Streamlining San Diego
Achieving Taxpayer Savings and Government Reforms Through Managed Competition
Officials Should Embrace Private Infrastructure Investment
Bridge tragedy underscores need to tap private sector capital, expertise
Developing Transparent, Accountable and High Performing Competition and Privatization Programs
Testimony to the Utah General Assembly Government Competition and Privatization Subcommittee
Borrowing Won’t Fix Pennsylvania’s Road Problems
State left billions on the table by ignoring possible turnpike lease deals
The Indiana Toll Road: One Year Later
Examining predictions about the toll roads lease deal
National Parks Need Competitive Sourcing
Testimony to US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee