The Estimated Funding Each State Would Get From the $3 Trillion HEROES Act
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The Estimated Funding Each State Would Get From the $3 Trillion HEROES Act

State aid per capita would range from about $1,200 in Texas and Florida to almost $40,000 per person in the Northern Mariana Islands.

The House’s latest coronavirus stimulus and relief bill, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, would distribute more than $3 trillion. The following chart shows the estimated funding that each state and territory would be allocated from the State Fiscal Relief Fund portion of the House bill.

Each of the 50 states, along with five territories and the District of Columbia, would receive a flat $2 billion. The HEROES Act would also distribute $150 billion distributed based on each state’s population, $49 billion would be allocated based on each state’s share of coronavirus cases, and $199 billion would be allocated on state unemployment figures. California would get approximately $50 billion from those HEROES Act categories, Texas would receive just over $35 billion, New York just under $35 billion and Florida would receive $25 billion. Based on these preliminary calculations, state aid per capita would range from about $1,200 in Texas and Florida to almost $40,000 per person in the Northern Mariana Islands if the Senate passed, and President Donald Trump signed, the House version of the HEROES Act.